welcome to
tell publishing

where telling the story frees you!

#HERoineLegacy Magazine

An Inspirational digital magazine of full of stories of everyday Black women who are honored as #HERoineLegacy Honorees.

Business E-book

Inspired by small businesses with limited budgets who desire to create a more profitable business.
“Stop Being Disrespectful by Low-balling Your Fees”

Winning Journal

The “Winning is the Only Game She Plays” Journal has prompts to list goals, track goals, hold yourself accountable, self-care, gratitude and, of course, space to get your thoughts out freely.

Award Winning

Our why…

TELLing your story requires a sense of vulnerability and boldness. TELLing a story to help others gives you a sense of happiness. Besides, our payment to be on this earth is to use our gifts to help one another. We create digital publications and content with the intent to help you, to free your mind to think about the subject-matter in a different light. We believe in sharing our gifts. We’re not going to hold back a good thing from you because we want to be free, too!

Our publications are meant to inspire and to help your overall quality of life. We aspire to pull on your heart strings or help fill your bank account to give you more freedom to do whatever your heart desires.

TJ Jefferson, Lead Creative Writer

“Our publications are meant to inspire and to help your overall quality of life. We aspire to pull on your heart strings or help fill your bank account to give you more freedom to do whatever your heart desires.”

TJ Jefferson

check out What we have going on

Folktales & Fauxtails Book Club Coming January 2025!!

We’re not reading traditional
“folktales” — we’ll be reading tales (stories) from folks sharing their magical way with words in fiction and some biographical books while savoring delicious, curated fauxtails (just a play on the word mocktails). Join fellow book lovers for an engaging, culturally relevant discussion. Cheers to this new adventure and unforgettable community with non-alcoholic, but just as IG -worthy, drinks!
Sign up to stay updated!

Forgiveness Bingo Challenge in November

Tell Publishing has deemed November 2024 “Forgiveness Month” so we can finish the year off without that weight on us. The intentionality behind it is to gain perspective and clear out space in our brains for more writing and character development. The upcoming holidays are busy for some writers and, for others, we have more free time to write. So take the first step and join our Forgiveness Challenge and get free! P.S. Don’t fret if you’re not a writer, anyone can participate.


Tampa, Florida



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